Sunday, November 4, 2012

Fall back and the Robo callers

G'day Everyone.

Did you forget to turn your clocks back one hour? If not, go and do that now.

As Daylight Savings Time comes to an end, the Presidential Elections make their final push through the robo callers (Random Calling machines) on the phone. Thank God, those Robo callers have not spread to the Video Phones.

Unless some deaf users get video phone robo callers. Or worse, Democrats or Republicans actually using a VP machine to actually make calls to deaf users. Would that happen? NOT! Political people have no need for the deaf or disabled community. Though they do pass favorable laws once in a while to make life easier for us, but we still encounter barriers now and then.

In dealing with Robo callers: If you have a phone recorder that records the numbers of who the person or machine is calling from, save it. If you are on the DO NOT CALL list, like I am, copy every robo or voice call lists from the political people and then submit it to your state's do not call list agency. More than likely, your state will be happy to go after the political people with the fines that will put money in the state's coffers.

As we prepare for this coming storm, let us hope that many people are ready as they can be.

For our country? Let us hope people will vote wisely as they can. Remember, use the write in lines whenever you can!

Until next post, stay warm and remember to help the hurricane survivors!

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