Monday, November 21, 2011

Teenager that killed gay classmate pleads GUILTY!

G'day Everyone.

Finally, common sense and justice was gained when a teenager decided to plead GUILTY for killing his Gay classmate.

Some may see this as a plea deal that gives this young man to clean his soul and take responsibility for doing of what he's done: Killing a classmate that was a human being.

It doesn't bring back the dead man, but he will spend a long time in prison for his crime.
The nice thing is, he doesn't get any credit for time served.

Perhaps this will send a message to others out there: if you kill a gay student, you will be prosecuted. This fella decided NOT to take a chance after the first jury couldn't decide on his fate. He rather decided the entire matter of responsibility for himself. All bullies who kill gay people will eventually have their fate decided. Either by them or by a judge or by a jury. But the most honorable thing: deciding your own fate before the judge and jury do will be the right thing to do. All bullies will be given that chance. If they do not: then it's out of their hands forever.

Until next post, I'll clue you in.

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