Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Got Super Bowl Seat Insurnace for 2012?

G'day Everyone!

Well, the NFL is trying to get a GIANT egg off it's face after it laid a massive problem. All the way up to the game time, they had some seat problems at the Dallas Cowboys stadium. More than 400+ seats were deemed UNSAFE and couldn't be used. So more than 400+ people had to sit OUTSIDE the stadium and under portable heaters to watch the entire Super Bowl game.

Impressive, no? Well, many people bitched and complained across the blogs and twitters about the entire Super Bowl 45 (or Super Bowl 2011) experience. For many fans, this is once in a life time experience to travel across the country and join thousands of people inside a stadium to watch the biggest Football Championship game.

But you know what? NFL and Dallas Cowboys stadium failed those fans. They had weeks to prepare for the game and it was just down to the wire when it was just deemed unsafe. What if it turned out that they were SAFE? Better safe than sorry? Who knows?

So now, the NFL is offering these 400+ fans to come to the Super Bowl 46 (Super Bowl 2012). Link: http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/blog/shutdown_corner/post/Displaced-fans-will-receive-free-Super-Bowl-tick?urn=nfl-317924
Well, here's the joke: The NFL ought to start offering this new insurance: Super Bowl Seat Insurance. It's a promise to say that as long as you PAID your ticket, your seat is PROMISED to you, SAFE, Reliable, Ready, and ON-TIME! If it's not ready for you, your entire trip, including your hotel night, should be paid in FULL for you. But would it really happen? Would the NFL offer that kind of SEAT insurance?

I doubt that.

The NFL Super Bowl game ought to be a positive experience. But if they keep adding too many temporary seating to just to make a profit, it's not good. Stadiums are built to hold the normal amount of people in the name of safety, according to the local laws. Perhaps, the local inspector did this in the name of safety and I say good for him.

Would I go to a Super Bowl game? I don't think so. If there's no Super Bowl seat insurance, then forget it.
Football should be played in an outdoor setting rather than indoors. Why? Because the weather has always been a factor in deciding the out come of the game rather than the refs. Indoors games are nothing more than a field that you can cheat on when natural grass provides the game to be neutral and fair.

But which teams do I want to see in the 2012 Super Bowl game? Buffalo Bills and the NY Jets. May be that'll happen. Then again, fate has to decide it all. But until then, NFL off-season has already started. If I were the NFL Commissioner? I'd start working on the next Super Bowl site: TODAY! Don't wait.. Today means now!

Till next post, clue in later!

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