Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Breaking news: GU announces Candidates for GU President.

G'day Everyone!

Breaking news: Look on the following web page:
It was released moments after the announcements were made in the GUKCC auditorium (I watched via web cast), and I was saddened that the Presidential Search Advisory Committee has learned NOTHING from the 1988 and 2006 protests.

How could Gallaudet University's future hang in the balance of the new century? Look at the 4 finalists:

Dr. Stephen F. Weiner, Provost of Gallaudet University.
(bio link:
This man should STEP DOWN and STEP DOWN NOW! This is why Jane K. Fernandes put in her name and it set off the 2006 protest. Why should Weiner be different? If he wants to be President of Gallaudet, then he MUST RESIGN NOW! Effective Immediately! This is stupid. Choosing another provost to be president?! Has PSAC LOST THEIR MINDS?!

Dr. Roslyn Rosen.
(bio link: )
Old news and former candidate from the last process. Why did she make this round this time? Was it worth to consider her? I say: REJECT! (punted down the field goal range to the dust bin of history).

Dr. Ronald J. Stern:
(bio link:
same old same old. Previous candidate from the last process. Worth to consider it? NO! (punted as well).

Finally, the biggest shocks are ripping through NOT ONLY the Gallaudet Community, but THROUGH THE NTID COMMUNITY.
Dr. Alan Hurwitz?!?! You have got to be kidding me! It's a stun of betrayal in the NTID community.
(bio link:

I was hit with IMs galore and my VP rang on and on and people ask me if it was true that Dr. Alan Hurwitz was considering of stepping down to become President of Gallaudet University. As much as I could gather my wits and being shocked, I'm very much saddened. I'm personally sending Hurwitz an email and personally making an appeal for him to remain being PRESIDENT OF NTID. He does a FANTASTIC JOB THERE!

Gallaudet University does NOT need a second NTID President to become a Gallaudet University President. Dr. Davila is ENOUGH.

Is cronyism still running though the Board of Trustees that were hand picked by the previous Jordan administration? Is cronyism among the members of the PSAC that have forgotten of what happened at the 2006 announcement of the President? Was it a short sight to pick Davila quickly as a temporary administrator and now being president? Has the GU BOTS learned NOTHING from the History of Gallaudet? Is Thomas Gallaudet rolling in his grave?

As I said before and warned that the Presidential Search Advisory Committee (PSAC) needs to find FRESH and INDEPENDENT candidates who are NOT linked to: Gallaudet, Davila, Jordan, NTID/RIT, and CSUN. I give big fat grade of *F*! They have failed to their job correctly. FAILED!

Will Gallaudet go down in history by the time the final announcement comes? Only time will tell.

No semper fi today.. I'm too angry and spitting nails.

Update: Gallaudet wasted no time today and released a press release right to the Washginton Post. Link:

Update #2: ALUMNI of GU! Miss the Buff and Blue News mag? Grief no further! Here is the webpage of the Buff and Blue!
Thanks, Pat m! Salute!


Jim said...

Any of those Four candidates make it through will backfire another major Protest at Gallaudet. I am not proud of any of those four candidates and as an alumni, I would not even support another Protest. I don't think GU BOT has learned their lesson to pick fresh Candidates outside the old candidates from last time. I do agree that Dr. Alan Hurwitz should stay at NTID. Sigh. I pray and hope not another single Protest comes out of GU.

Adrian said...


I disagree with your commentary. I think they all four finalists are highly qualified.


Unknown said...

Thank you brian, but don't you think we need a better qualified candidate than these 4 people? We're looking for FRESH people, FRESH IDEAS,and the willingness to lead Gallaudet through 2010 and beyond.

I also think Gallaudet PSAC should reconsider and go back to the drawing board and look carefully at the hearing candidates as well!

Also.. let me ask you something, how do you think of the NTID community feels that Hurwitz is quitting NTID for president of GU? They got caught off guard today. Everyone is upset on THAT campus too.

Robert said...

The next President will be the best reflection of the current student body at Gallaudet. The rest at 800 Florida Avenue, NE (and spilling worldwide) won't matter. Gallaudet needs to be academic-oriented.

Unknown said...

Robert.. a question.. Would the Gallaudet BOTs dare to risk a financial meltdown if they don't have the right candidate?

If you look at history, RIT took it's sweet time and gotten everyone involved from students, Faculty, staff, and ALUMNI. They involved the ALUMNI the most because most of the money comes in form of donations from ALUMNI and students who come to the campus are based on recommendation by alumni as well.
What does gallaudet has to lose now? plenty. I think NTID will lose the most because Hurwitz has done a lot.

Mark said...

i don't understand you.

i'm a gallaudet student and we are all rejoicing here today in kendall green.

all four finalists will certainly make a great president.

you are only an alumni or a by-stander. i know what the student body wants.

i'm certainly happy that you're not here today or you would only ruin our excitement that we all are feeling right now.


Robert said...

This is Robert Alfred Hawkins. I made a post on Amy Efron Cohen's blog. I praised Alan Hurwitz and drew the pros and cons to his case. Likewise for others and my Devil's Advocacy riled many in Deaf communities and I emphasis the plural as the deaf community is split. One thing we must acknowledge is the fact big leaders sometimes find themselves in position to take on newer things. Today has an objective saying, "why live in comfort zones?" Give Alan credit where its due.

Robert said...

And, while you're at it about Hurwitz why don't you add about Rosen being in a not broken, why fix it scenario at CSUN--another bastion of real-world education friendly to the deaf? Naturally, I knew Rosen should've been the president after Davila (which (should've been 1983/1988). Such is life. You and I know little about education of the deaf. Have faith :)

Unknown said...

Mark.. Since the PSAC isn't involving the alumni of Gallaudet University, then Gallaudet will lose two major things.
Support of money from the alumni and alumni who referr students to Galladuet University.

As I said before, alumni are the backbone of the support for GU. If we're not involved in the process of decisions for our campus, then the wallets will stay SHUT off from GU.

Look at RIT! RIT got all of their colleges, student, faculty, Staff, including NTID studetns. RIT especially reached out to both RIT ALUMNI chapters and NTID ALUMNI chapters. They wanted everyone's involvement in their search process. They made a careful process. They had a successful candidate! What's more, donations from alumni INCREASED at RIT!

How about GU? zippo. So you say academic based president? Then you better start paying more for your classes cuz the money could be shut on GU!

liane said...


The thing is that the alumni doesn't really have the power to shut down Gallaudet immediately. The students do if they decide to protest and everybody knows Gallaudet is done for if there's another protest. Like Mark said, we're all celebrating here at Gallaudet. There's a great atmosphere here of joy and hope right now.

You said that Gallaudet should consider hearing candidates and other candidates that will bring a fresh perspective but that is the last thing that BOT should be doing. They HAVE to play it safe this time around and make a selection that will appease the students. You say the alumni wallets will be zipped, I say more and different alumni wallets will open up for Gallaudet. Things change and the alumni will have to accept that.

In fact, this will most likely take Gallaudet in a new and better direction and that will draw in more quality students that will stay to graduation instead of the ones who come to party for a year then transfer away. I rather like the direction that Gallaudet is heading in and the freshness that you desire so much can wait until later when things here are more stable.

And you actually think we'd protest over the fact that Weiner used to be the provost if he became the president? Oh please.

Jim said...

Mark - As an Alumni of Gallaudet, I would not accept any of those four candidates as the next President of Gallaudet University. Just how would they give fresh ideas to Gallaudet. Alan from NTID comes from a Technical college and Gallaudet is a Liberal University, I don't see how that fits. Rosen, I heard she isn't such a nice person to be the President of Gallaudet University. The other two candidates are from the last time election. They aren't exactly new. Come on. Gallaudet should do better finding someone that has better ideas and fresh for Gallaudet. A new person with new ideas will keep Gallaudet University in better shape than any of those four candidates.

Robert said...

Here I go again: CSUN/NCOD, GU, RIT/NTID are great places led by very outstanding individuals including (the current Provost of GU) who are current finalists. You should note that GU alumni participated in the PSAC. Their biographies indicated alumni status.

Unknown said...

euroliane, why does Weiner need to jump from being a provost that runs the Gallaudet campus to President that helps rakes in the donations as well as to lead the campus in new directions? How would that benefit the university of ours if he was to be selected?

So let me ask you this question. How does it make a difference this time that Weiner's jumping for the president postion and not resigning as to appear to not have a conflict of interest? We know what happened last time.

Remember, Jane K. Fernandes was QUALIFIED to be President. She was CHOOSEN as PRESIDENT. She was our provost too. We all had a REBELLION that SPLIT the campus (pros and cons) against her. Why should we say Weiner is "acceptable" this time?
Wouldn't it provoke a lawsuit by Fernandes against the BOTS and STUDENTS that she was unjustly fired that she wasn't given a chance to prove herself?

Think about that. PSAC and BOTS are taking a *HUGE* gamble on the future here.

Unknown said...

Robert Hawkins..

You have some good points there.. But we still need candidates who are NOT from or a part of Gallaudet University! Why can't PSAC see that they find someone who wasn't from GU's past? We need someone who's INDEPENDENT! Someone who can be the person to lead Gallaudet University to great things.

But having someone that's an alumi of GU says something that we should be concerned about. We need INDEPENDENT people!

Look at RIT! William Destiler was from the University of MD. He had NO PREVIOUS CONNECTIONS to RIT! None! RIT did a great diligence of a job to find a candidate that wasn't connected to any of their colleges (especially NTID). Destiler fit the description and the qualifications. Why can't Gallaudet do that? That is my concern here.

Sue said...

Steve, I support you one hundred percent! Shame on you, the PSAC and the BOT, for not being brave to have a new change. Tsk, tsk, tsk

Unknown said...

I believe that if one is to become the next president of Gally that we want the best qualified canidate
and someone who has experience in administration and teaching young deaf students. I think all 4 canidates qualify in that regard. I would also want someone who is a visionary-someone who can see the future and is not afraid to try new things. Its also good to have a person who has been a part of the American deaf community for more than 60years. That canidate is Dr Ron Stern