Friday, October 5, 2007

The BBC programme: DOCTOR WHO

G'evening everyone!

My dear friend Bruce and I got together this weekend as it's the RIT "Homecoming weekend" in Rochester so, we had our OWN version of a home coming. Bruce and I are old roommates of NTID. So tonight was perfect in a way. We're both fans of 'Doctor Who', a BBC programme TV show of England. We saw our first Doctor Who show that stars Tom Baker, playing as the "Doctor", the good but funny time Lord. I don't remember the name of the show, but we had our first brutal introduction to "the master" (played by Anthony Daniels) and 'the master' always escapes his near deaths. Such a brutal, evil time lord he is. You could lip read these actors very well as this was the days before the captions came in.

We last saw the old BBC series back in the 80s to the 90s. The it stopped. It was as if the TARDIS (Time and Reality Demensions In Space) had lurched the doctor into LIMBO! But life on earth has went on.

There were a few attempts to revive the Doctor Who series by making some mega movies.
Most fell flat on their face. (ouch, and shoved back into limbo again!).

Then there was rumor last year that a NEW Doctor Who series was made. It showed up on the SCI-FI channel. (Bruce and I thought PBS would get it again). There it was, it was differnt and vibrant! Very action paced and enjoyable. It made you want to WATCH IT CLOSELY! Yes The (NEW) Doctor Who series are in CLOSED caption! It was actually fun!

Tonight was the end of the season. I'm not going to tell you HOW the finale ended. But I was crying. Just as if I meet the Master and the doctor for the first time. This time, the master was DYING. Can't help but LOVE the villian!

Will there be a continue of the series? I hope so. The people who made the new series did a terrific job! I think I'm going to enjoy sitting by the tv on fridays when Doctor Who plays again. (but then again, I'll hit the copy on the DVD-R machine and go to DPHH! :-)

Semper Fi to the Tardis.

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