G'day Everyone!
Most of this week happens to be breaking news week.
About 2 weeks ago, on February 14, Pope Benedict XVI of Rome resigned as the scandal came about and much closer to the point where he wouldn't have a choice but show up in a court of law. Instead, he decided to resign because of old age and he'll be protected. I say, God help the pope because he will need it.
Yet, as February 28th (February 27th in our time on this side of the world) at 8pm in Rome, Pope Benedict will lay down the crown and walk away from his throne. Then he'll be taken to his new residence where he'll live out his protected days.
Then the college of Cardinals will vote in the new Pope. Who will be that one? It'll be the questions of the ages.
Meanwhile, if we didn't have that to watch on Wednesday, it'll be more like here on Thursday (all day) till Friday at 12:01 EST when Congress and President Obama lets the Sequestration kicks the pants of every American worker (Federal and private) like hell. It will be a Sad First Friday for this Nation when the budget cutting of every Federal agency hits. But then April 2013, many Federal workers will have to have ONE LESS WORK DAY. (for the postal service, it's most likely going to be 2 less days for them!).
Think of many of the Federal and temporary workers! Those that are contractors and temporary work for our nation will be out of a job as well.
So do you think Congress and our Government is broke? It always was until now, we didn't have to face this. Every year, congress has kicked the debt can down the road.When they kick it, it results in a broken foot. This time, it's so massive, the debt can't be kicked. Things will happen and people will suffer.
A new recession will hit this nation, MUCH WORSE than 2007.
But ask yourself a question: Did Obama really win a 2nd term? Or was there something that allowed him to win? Right now, America is waking up and asking the questions across the land.
Did our political congress people get an earful of angry voters back home? You betcha!
So what comes up down the road? You don't want to know. But by the time the Spring 2013 elections come, it may be more of a recall voting than voting. How do we fix our nation?
It may be well too late.
That being said.. if the dusts of the true leaders of our nation were to come back and descend on our nation, the sadness on their face will say it all. Our nation has enjoyed 2 centuries and a half of a blessed life. To see it end would be a cry to God to have mercy on the souls of every American.
Let us remember January 1st that we did go over the fiscal cliff. March 1st? We will remember the day that fiscal cuts were "triggered". And if anything else happens, if our states decide to leave the union for their own
"promised nation" (like it was supposed to be in the civil war), it could happen. But who knows?
Stay watchful this week. Breaking News at any time!
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