Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Sandusky and Zimmerman: Oh Boy and Yuck!

G'day Everyone.

What a mess! If today's court stuff couldn't be any worse, it just did get worse. The George Zimmerman case has taken another turn when the police arrested his WIFE this time! Wife arrested for LYING!
Which means right now, I've some good advice for the supporters of George Zimmerman: HOLD OFF HELPING HIM FINANCIALLY!
George Zimmerman may not be able to get out of jail this time and he may have to stay there until the trial comes up next year. While it may not be a good thing to have happen to him, it could take a more serious blow to his defenses due to his wife and his parents. Which means this: George Zimmerman better start thinking plea deals. That may be the only way to salvage his life and have some measure of hope for the future to get out of prison. But one thing is: he can never own a gun nor be a neighborhood watch guy ever again.

Meanwhile: Back in the State College of Penn State area...
Barf bags for sale.. Barf bags for sale!  That is if you can use them in court!
That is to say that the prosecutors, without wasting any time, put their *STAR WITNESS* on the stand today.
Who else but Mike McQueary? McQueary speaks!
Mike McQueary should have done one thing before he got on the stand: Asked his boss, Joe Paterno, in a church place for extreme forgiveness for what he's done to him. Mike McQueary may be the star, but to many of us in the Penn State, we're kind of hopeful that he is being a TRUTHFUL young man right now. Because if not, he doesn't have much of a future of employment.
But as far as the Sandusky trial goes, hang on to your barf bags. The way the last two days have gone, we still have a long way to go. However, if the defense wants to play that "mental illness" card, Jerry Sandusky's lawyer should do one thing to make it real: Put Jerry Sandusky in a local mental health hospital and have him declared INSANE there. Not only it would stop the trial, but it would allow Jerry to be treated for his illness. But he would still have to face justice. So why delay it till the end of the trial?
So far.. things have gone wrong for the defense. But in 2.5 weeks, we will know the verdict. Until then.. hang on to the *barf* bags.

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