Tuesday, November 1, 2011


G'day Everyone.

Another court case winds through the legal system that has things like Terry Schiavo's case previously.

Link: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/10/31/maryland-feeding-tube-cas_n_1068221.html?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl5%7Csec3_lnk3%7C109028

While this battle is going on, it's going to come down to a judge's decision that will haunt everyone involved. But ultimately, the person that suffers the most is the person that says that doesn't want to live with life support.

How can this be fixed?

While you live and have your mental functions, pull up your medical files and get your family together.
Make your last will and testament completely. Assign the person the power to make medical decisions when you cant. This includes your decision to die if you are beyond saving through medical means or declared that you would suffer too much to try to live.

Every day there are thousands of people who get involved in serious life threatening situations that changes the lives of MANY PEOPLE. People will fight to make the decision for the person who's life hangs in balance.
But each day that passes, the person that suffers in bed is the one in obvious pain and trying to say that he/she wants to let go and be with God or face the judgement seat (if you are not saved).

Let's face it: It's no fun. Let's make things simple. Get all your legal documents together. Get everything signed. Prepare for dying in life. Nobody should have to tell you this.

Some say wait till you are in your 40s or 50s or 60s. I say NO.. don't wait. When you are declared an adult, that is when you should prepare for anything to happen to your life.

Me, I'm prepared. How about you?

Get it done. Then you won't have to suffer in pain in bed and can die naturally.


Administrative note:
In just a few days I will have the 1000th post. What topic will it be? I haven't decided yet.


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