Thursday, November 11, 2010

Good article posted today.

G'day Everyone.

There are two good articles posted on today that makes it MANDATORY to read:

and this is true. We may have our freedom of speech protected from our government, but not from our private employers.

And we ought to know that what we post in our blogs and vlogs will eventually be picked up by employers as well. It's true that everyone needs to be careful of what we post because it can eventually bite us in the ass BIG TIME. Some people should be aware of it.

Also, be careful of what you post on the social media sites as well. You need to make sure your privacy settings are set to a STRICT control so that even your boss doesn't have an ability to see.

One thing I found out this. It was very interesting. I asked to friend a few people on their list before. Some times their SN news feed would temporary feed into my News Feed until they selected the "ignore" button or put me on the block feature.

So, to be simple to say this: If you get a friend invite on your social media site, decide on it as soon as possible. You don't want a security risk to your social circle. Friend only the people you have definitely talked to in person in your life. Don't friend a complete stranger that you haven't personally meet.
One good advice: don't friend your boss or your co-worker. Better yet, don't friend any one from your church ministry either.

So, given to today's happy-go-sue society and the happy-go-posting on the social media sites, it's a wonder we're still functioning and working in a global community here.

Take that for a thought today.

Semper FI.
P.S. Today's post is in honor of the Veterans who have served in the Military! Thank you, brave men and women who continue to make our country defensible through out the world. God bless each of you!


mervynjames224 said...

Quite true, the issue remains many deaf are being asked or pressured to join social sites like Twitter or FB, even poked fun at if they resist and called dodo's, there is some sort of 'peer pressure' that suggests if you are not on social sites then you are not with it or something. It is the absolute be-all and end-all of everything social (Which is total rubbish).

We know social sites are prime areas for exploiting deaf people and bullying them, as well as setting many up for ID theft, our young deaf to be groomed by perverts, deaf women set up for rape, charities pretending to be your friend while less than subtly asking for your money, and as you pointed out, employers and lawyers looking to nail you for any sort of comment that may look negative.

Be safe stay AWAY from social sites. As for blogs, I don't see them in the same category unless you operate outside an aggregate, or post comments out of unmoderated areas, (Which I don't), that way I am happy to be subject to moderation and feel a little safer from the bullies, also my blogs I can zero the waffle instantly, if you are on social sites you cannot FIND a sane comment anywhere, I never would have believed there was so much absolute trivia in the world. But I want no part of it.

Unknown said...

MM.. Thanks for your insight! Some people do agree. But some of us are separated far and inbetween the miles from each other.
Sometimes the social media sites as well as blog/vlog sites are the best ideas to do keep us in contact with each other. Only do I wish employers have a bit of respect for the freedom of speech.