Thursday, January 21, 2010

Take interviews seriously!

G'day Everyone.

Recession. It's an ugly word. It could have been prevented. But, no..the fat cats of Wall Street Businesses and Banks wanted this to happen so that they could make EASY money. At what price have they paid for it? Had President Bush invoked his powers of Presidential Authority, all the warnings that he had up to the end of 2007, this recession could have been prevented. But no, he didn't. Right on purpose, he left a mess for the next President to deal with. President Obama hasn't made life any easier yet.

While America hopes that recovery will begin and creation of new jobs happen, people are struggling for survival.

Many of us who are looking for work for many months, some for many years, should take job interviews seriously. Some of my friends feel cocky and think they got the job already. Oh please! The interview is merely the foot in the door. We must remember one thing. You are NOT the only person interviewing for this job. There are MANY people wanting the *same job*.

That is where convincing the employer to hire you has to be your best performance of how you give your responses to his questions. If you do it right, you will get the job. Do it wrong, the next person gets it.

I hope you will take job interviews seriously. This recession isn't easy on everyone. I wish everyone the best of looking for work. I do hope President Obama will find a way to create jobs.

Semper FI

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