Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Good-bye Teddy!

G'day Everyone.

Today should be a somber day for this nation of ours. We have lost a man in which has been in the Senate far too long. But his end was coming! Especially when the events unfolded during the reception for President Obama that Senator Edward "Ted" Kennedy fell ill and was taken to the hospital. That should have been a *WARNING* to not only himself, but to this nation that he could be passing.
Today, Teddy Kennedy passed away. This man could have been a president in our lives, but choose to remain in the U.S. Senate. Today, Ted Kennedy passed away.

Some people will feel glad that he has passed away. Others will feel that this man has done a lot of things which has put our nation in it's own conflict with it's morals and laws. Sadly to say, Ted Kennedy may have done some good for people, but not everything is good. I respect him and yet, seeing him gone now is sad. The person who will replace him in the senate, had better serve in honor and honesty. Just hope the State of Massachusetts avoids any type of a Blagovitch mess and puts in the right person for the job.

Today, I ask my readers to please pause and reflect and pray for the comfort of the Kennedy family. Fare-well, Teddy. You will be missed.

Semper FI.

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