Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Exhausted and Alarmed.

G'day Everyone!

Lately I am exhausted. I've been doing a lot of things around the house and keeping my place of my mum nice takes a lot of work. I enjoy it though.

Personally, I am enduring another problem going on . I'm not disclosing what is happening, but several friends have risen to my defense. When it gets resolved, I'll explain later.

In other things, the middle east has just gotten worse today when you wake up this am and throw coffee just about everywhere. Try this one on for a size:
when you hear Iran just done a missile test, you have to wonder of just how much more *saber* shaking will happen before the real stupid day really happens. When does on nation in any part of the world finally gets fed up with another nation threatening the world and finally pushes that button? Will the middle east finally explode and drag the world into World War III? Will the Internet survive? Or will we all survive after the nuclear war and face new rulers that come after it?

In real life, we won't know. But in other words, those that want to see the conclusion of the Terminator series should plan on going to the movies tomorrow (Thursday). TERMINATOR: SALVATION is the final chapter to the Terminator saga. Originally called T4, I am hearing that it's going to be action packed which is going to be a lot of special effects. So take my suggestion, go see the movie.. then wait for the captions to come out. You'll be glad you did!

But like I said, I'm praying that any country is not that stupid to start a nuclear war. But the day some one does, Good luck bending over and kissing your own ass. Many people will curse the leaders before they die.

So till next post, semper FI.

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