Wednesday, March 4, 2009

On the eve of Court Day/ SSSD

G'day Everyone.

Being sick is no fun in the last few days. So I've been off my blog for while to rest and recover a bit more. So now, I've been busy a bit to try to pull back together.

First of all, it's the eve of my Court day with my local county court. The issue: Interpreter for the deaf. As you know, a few months ago I got notified that I would have to honor my obligation to take part in the jury duty selection process.

It was last month (February) that I sat through a rough jury selection process and ended up on the jury panel. I said most about what happened in that post before.

Now for the update. I got a letter last week from the court house. There's a court hearing tomorrow morning before a judge, who will over see Monday's trial, about my request for a interpreter for the deaf. There was a gut feeling that I had when I made my request for interpreter for the deaf through the District Court Administrator's office just a few days after I got seated for the Jury Duty.

So, what I've done in preparation for this court? Got a letter from my doctor, audiologist, and went on the web for a bit of info : and printed that out.

Other than that, I'm ready. I'm wishing I had some supporters coming with me. But I'll get through this.

Meanwhile, I felt bad that I could not go to the Scranton State School for the Deaf that had a rally this past weekend. But just to let you all know that there is a petition going on. Please sign it at:

That's all till tomorrow.

Semper FI!

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