Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Quiet day.

G'day Everyone.

It's been a quiet day for me. Fresh air, Indian Summer (hey! who put an arrow (bird shit) in my laptop?! *bang, bang!* damn Indian birds!! Getcha later when you least expect it!) and unexpected things.

First, today's respect is to be paid for Terry Macklin who recently passed away. Such a young person. He's made a great impact in the NTID community. May God comfort his family in their time of grief.

Yesterday, it was NATIONAL COMING OUT DAY (October 11th). For those who came out, be careful from here on out. Most people react in a bad way when they find out you are gay. Some will drop friendship. Some will drag pastors and priests and force your religion on you again (in one case, I know a friend who got excommunicated because she's lesbian). Some family members won't speak to you for a while (and then years later, come crawling with apology galores, only because they want you for something else). So I hope for those who came out, may your life be filled with joy.

Last night, on ESPN TV: PSU rose to the upper level of the BCS standings, as The Nittany Lions from Happy Valley, PA (aka State College, PA) clawed, ate, trampled, and made MINCE MEAT so small of the Wisconsin Univeristy Badgers by a score of (get this) -> 48 to 7 <-!! It was Wisconsin's worst home loss ever! Some say it was PAYBACK for last year. Humm a little justice goes a long way.

As NTID Job Fair is on tap this week, I'm sure many deaf current and alumni of NTID job seekers will be descending on it for sure. If you can go, go! Also coming up this weekend is the Gallaudet University Homecoming. It is going to be a FANTASTIC time. Hopefully the Bisons will win and it will make it a wonderful day on campus. Next week, Gallaudet University holds a job fair on October 22nd for the students and alumni.

As the political mudslinging heats up in the Presidential race, Micah Brown has his work cut out for him to say on the political stuff. With tomorrow being Columbus day 2008, there won't be so much trading on the stock market. But one should remember that McCain and Obama both voted for the bailout. It hasn't helped much lately. Retirements are being hit as we speak. Keep an eye on Tuesday of this week.

Semper FI .

1 comment:

Jim said...

Any friends that drop friendship because of being a gay is not a true friend. A person sex orientation such as being straight, gay or whatever should never affect the friendship. But if it does, then the other person who drop the friendship will regret it later in life. I know of two or three people that are gay and I truely respect them. I hope those who read this and already decide to drop those frienship better have a second thought than regret it. God loves all of us including those who are straight, gay, lesbian or whatever their sex lifestyle is.