Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Trouble in the Church Ministry

G'day Everyone.

In the past, I used to speak about harassment against Gays, Lesbians, and bisexuals. Not only happens at work (which is illegal), but it also happens in the church ministry.

Today's post is more of a reflection of what Mishka Zena has just written in her blog:

Personally, Mishka has well written this blog of her and the issue does hit home personally to the author of this blog.

Every church ministry, whatever it be hearing or deaf, regardless what type of church or ministry it is, should remember this:

In every religious ministry, there are going to be all kinds of people from all walks of life. There are going to be those who are not only straight, But those who are GAY, BI-Sexual, and LESBIAN. Free Will that has been provided by God still remains with every man, woman, and child. HATE SIN, LOVE THE SINNER.

Christians, you do not represent the Lord Jesus Christ when you use the Bible, The Koran, or whatever what "Holy Scriptures" as a weapon against people when you make DISCRIMINATION and you say "what my god says, it's proof!". You know, Jesus did accept and took in all the UNDESIRABLES. He had mercy on them. It's certainly today that ministries today don't show any mercy at all to people unless you are a STRAIGHT SINNER. We need to show mercy to ALL people, regardless of race, creed, sex, orientation.

Several weeks ago, a guest writer, a retired pastor, in my local paper wrote about his experience in dealing with a gay person who asked him a very important question: "Would I be welcome in your church?". The retired pastor never realized what the gay person was asking, until years later, he realized it. He said "If I had realized it then, I would have understood his pain and said "YES" as Jesus would have done".

Every ministry ought to remember to this day: The church is made up of everyone from various backgrounds. Even gay, straight and bisexual. We have one common factor in us all : We're sinners.

Don't judge unless you have been in our shoes. But the final judge of all will be GOD when we die.

Despite I tried not to "preach" a bit in this blog, I'm sorry it sounds of religious overtones. But then again, I'm pointing out that every church and religion in the world is IMPERFECT as well.

Thank you, Miska Zena, for that wonderful post always that will start a discussion today.

Salute and SEMER FI.

*administrative note: The comments will be controlled. Do not expect any thing to be posted. Those who attempt to make firestorm comments, please exit the blog stage left (trash bin). thank you.

1 comment:

Jim said...

I totally agree that Christian people should not judge or bothering judge gay and lesbians people. Their sexual preference is their choice and nobody else can change them. Their lifestyle is between them and God. Nobody else should judge them. If you don't like it or not comfortable, then leave these people alone and go elsewhere. One other thing, we are all sinners either straight or gay or lisbians. We should not be judging each others. If you judge, one day you will regret it. It would not be pretty to regret that mistake and wish you have taken it back. It would be too late. Your best bet is the be open and accept others for who ever they are and everyone will be happy as well as in peace.