Monday, September 29, 2008

The Future in Doubt/ Micah's blog.

G'day everyone.

I don't know if you are talking to your own financial advisor right now. But many people should, RIGHT NOW! Know why? Because at this point, I sense the future is in doubt. At some point when the Bailout package gets through congress (loaded with compromises and pork barrel projects),


I was doing this earlier this morning when I got called away to do something. When I came back home, I turned on to CNN and sat watching as one of my most BIGGEST FEARS GOT CONFIRMED.
The do nothing congress listened to the their own guts and have decided that their jobs were important to their ass covering fannies! So they decided on one course of action to SLAP OUR PRESIDENT back in the face: NO BAILOUT! They rejected it.

As I watch the markets, it's bad. People are selling what they can get rid of stocks. After the final bell closed, I watched the numbers slide down saying it drops more than 777 points(final adjustment after checking CNN)! I felt in HORROR of what's happening!

Politically, Obama must be holding his head in shame. Bully McCain for a Debate, winning that, and now? He ought to have his head looked at carefully. Obama should have done what every other political person had done, WORK ON THE BAILOUT, only to see it failed. Is this the man that won the debate, failing to work on the bailout, and he wants to be PRESIDENT?!?!?! Obama doesn't have my vote now. The debate shouldn't have happened UNTIL AFTER EVERYTHING IS SETTLED DOWN. Right now.. both Obama and McCain could be in big trouble as this "bailout" mess goes on.

Hop over to Micah Brown's site and you'll see what he wrote about this mess:

and for those who want to look at that House Bill of the bailout (be prepared.. it's over 100 pages long. READ CAREFULLY!):
note: The house website might be having technical problems since people are overwhelming congressional web pages. Be prepared for anything.

As the mess continues tomorrow, be sure to contact your financial advisor. Anything you have in that stock market, for God's sake.. SELL WHILE YOU STILL CAN!

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