Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Attention GAY MEN!

G'day Everyone!

I was doing my daily web surfing and news was boring. Suddenly, a blogger tossed me a MAJOR News article. The link to that article was ASTOUNDING! I was totally astonished. I even went back through the news site to check if it was really a major news link. And it is!

So, here it is! Loud and Clear! I'm telling every GAY MEN (and Ridor ought to know and hear this news) of something very important! It's ANOTHER TYPE of MRSA (that is: Staph Infection) bacteria that is already infecting the gay community rapidly!

Please read: ( this is the link to the study that had indentified this!!)

In other words, if this happens to be really true, then the days of the Gay bathhouses and playing with different men may just be out the door already. It would also force Gay men to be wise and choose FAITHFUL partners to have sex with.

If this MAJOR HEALTH news doesn't scare you, then please don't take chances with your health. Thanks!

A MAJOR SEMPER FI SALUTE to Jamie B. for her tip!

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