Friday, December 28, 2007

New Year's Eve post.

G'day everyone.

As 2007 is just about heading to the dustbin of history, a lot has happened in the last several months. I'm not going to do any recapping on it.

A lot has to be said for the coming year. Some times I'm hope and pray that things are going to happen in a very positive way for our country. But given the state of things? I'd rather stay concerned and be watchful.

I have a lot of hopes for Gallaudet University's 2nd half of the 2007-2008 academic year. The first half of this year has been "quiet" save for a nice homecoming weekend I've heard about! But what does the future hold? I hope in good things.

As I create this post, I'm posting it a few days early due to a "busy" weekend. So, I am wishing all my readers a VERY HAPPY AND JOYOUS NEW YEAR AND A PEACEFUL YEAR FOR OUR WORLD!! If you go out and party, drink responsible. Let someone else drive for you. (which what I'm doing for me).

So have a Joyous SEMPER FI in 2008! See ya then!


Anonymous said...

Was the original phrase "ashheap of history" or "dustbin of history"?

Unknown said...

a bit of both, BR.. a bit of both!