Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Possible GU Protest in January 2008?

G'day Everyone!

My friend, James, has written a very serious post. So before reading the rest of this blog of mine, please go to his web page:


Now I want to voice a HUGE concern. Basically I'm repeating James' blog again, but please let me speak.

Karen Kimmel, Jane Fernandes, and I. King Jordan. These 3 are the in-famous figures of Gallaudet University's history. Why should these 3 be allowed to return to Gallaudet to teach? Oh please, don't bitch to me that their "Professionals Union" demands that they be allowed to teach. I don't give a flying leap if they have a damn contract with Gallaudet University.

So, lets spell it out clearly of who's done what.

Let's first take Karen Kimmel. Is she worth being an educator? NO. There are various reports that she is NOT worth a person to learn off of. She was sacked by President Davila. She threw a lawsuit at Gallaudet. Now, she's being allowed back? I DON'T THINK SO! We should have a say in the whole matter! From what I hear, she is not a professional educator.

2nd: Jane Fernandes. This woman has a extensive history with Gallaudet and MSSD. She has caused trouble and ruined many a life of students, staff, and faculty.
How about really asking her of just how much she knows about murders on campus, then fingering Thomas Minch in the first place before saying "oooppsss!! It was Joseph Mesa". It is very curious that some have said she was aware of Joseph Mesa from his MSSD trouble days. Let's not forget how she has "managed" to throw her name into the presidential consideration when it's a REAL TABOO that Provosts are NOT considered for a President's position at their current college/university. Any other college or university is fine if she was to work there as President. But the point is, she was a provost first. She didn't bother to step down from being a provost in order to be seriously considered as a University President. Why did the BOTs "hire" her when they saw HOW she handled the Murderers/Minch/Mesa saga? NOT a good President for Gallaudet I'd tell ya. If I was a BOT, I'd have stood up against Jordan and say "NO WAY!!".

What's worse, Jane K. Fernandes became the first Provost/President Elect to preside over the graduation ceremonies in 2006. That has become one of the most worst moments of Gallaudet History ever.

After the graduation ceremony, I was informed that she didn't bother to resign her Provost position until someone had to tell her and forced her to step down because it was unethical for a president elect to hold on to the previous position and yet do both jobs which is a conflict in nature. Yet, she did just that. Very unethical she is!

I want to praise some of the students at that time for being brave to publish her picture and put the words "KNOW THY ENEMY" on the T-shirts that they were selling.

But in the events that followed from May through October 2006 and at various times of the present year, she waged a public relations war with the protesters that made just about every one look bad on a daily basis. It wasn't until she was ejected by the Board of Trustees from her job. Brave of them to do it but they may have had to pay her a TON of MONEY for it.

#3rd I. King Jordan. 19 years. Such a man like himself who was humble in 1988 to gain the office of President through a Gallaudet Protest (which was correct at the time) and having his very term end under a cloud of suspection, corruption, and watching his very term end with another student protest. Jordan is highly suspected of having his hand of "arrangements" of having Jane Fernandes selected as "president" by his hand picked BOTs.

There is two things WORSE about Jordan: First. WHY would Jordan FORCE the Board of Trustees to re-name the Student Academic Center (SAC) after him? The very cardinal rule was violated. Buildings are NOT named for University Presidents unless they are retiring from the University or have died. In this case, we: The students, Faculty, Staff, and Alumni, were not given a chance to voice our concerns of how we want our SAC to be. It should have stayed just SAC. That's it.

Second, Jordan did not deserve to be called "President Emeritus" by the BOTs. He did not deserve it. NO!! A man like, I. King Jordan, who has been through two student protests, does not deserve to be called a "President Emeritus".

I call upon the NEW Gallaudet Board of Trustees to rescind two items:

1. The honor of "President Emeritus" to be taken from Jordan at once.
2. That the I. King Jordan Student Academic Center title be taken off the Student Academic Center immediately. It is not a right that it be on there at this present time.

Finally and lastly: If it becomes clear that Jordan, Fernandes, and Kimmel are returning to this campus, I call upon the students, staff, Faculty, and Alumni to first petition that Davila be given advice that these 3 are NOT to be allowed to resume their positions on campus. If Davila does not listen, then I will fully support a PROTEST on the campus of Gallaudet as long as reason survives.


Anonymous said...

Sir, you are OUT of your mind! I am currently a freshman student in Gallaudet and I CAN tell you something... the morale among the campus community is very high. Students are attending classes after the Homecoming festivals which would have been largely unheard of before 2006.

I agree with you, I don't want for something like that to ruin our morale.. BUT we're under close scrutiny of MSCHE. We can't let any sort of protests happen under their watch. Like Steve Weiner told all of us last week; the university will just move on and function just as they weren't here. We will manage just finely with them here.


Unknown said...

I know. I don't want to see another protest at this point. That's why I asked students in another blog to consider NOT signing up for any of these "3professors" courses, while addding on a petition that davila should DENY them academic tenure on this campus. My hope is that NO protests happen at all.