Monday, December 20, 2010

More Trouble for the GU DPS!

G'day Everyone.

It has been a rough year for the Gallaudet University Department of Public Safety (GUDPS). Earlier this year, a death of a campus food service employee could have been prevented if GU DPS reacted more quickly to the emergency. They didn't. The food service employee died.

Now a new scandal is ripping through the GU community just as the students are on winter break.

The question is this: When will GU DPS get it's act together and really be a professional police department on the campus of Gallaudet University? If the motto is to protect students, staff, personnel, and property on the campus of Gallaudet, then they're already getting the worst failing grade ever. Plus, they should be learning sign language as well!

Gallaudet administrators MUST take a good look at their DPS. Now is the time to do it while students are on break. If DPS needs to be shaken up, this is the time for it. I ask that Gallaudet administrators NOT to delay on this!

Till Next post, I'll clue in!

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