Monday, May 3, 2010

National Day of PRAYER!

G'day Everyone.

This month of May is my special month of my life. It's a time of celebration for me. But I thought of something special. Rather than asking people to party with me during my special month, I'm asking everyone to do me a BIG FAVOR.

THURSDAY, MAY 6th, 2010: NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER. It's a call of the people to the time of PRAYER for our nation. There has been a lot of discussion of ending this unofficial National Prayer Day. But as I look on the web site: it's more than serious as ever.

I'm asking many readers to join their church members and prayer partners in this National Day of Prayer. What to pray for? For our nation. For our Federal Government officials and workers. For our Nation's Military people in various places in the world. For state and local officials. For our family and friends. For our religious people to stay strong in faith of God.

This event is important to our nation and it's people. It's asking God to help this nation in times of crisis.

So please, honor my special favor, my dear readers. Make this month of May special for me and everyone else.
Join your church ministry and take part in the national day of prayer.

Semper FI

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