Thursday, January 14, 2010

Looking for warm weather? Wait on Phil!

G'day Everyone.

Are you complaining and bitching of COLD weather? Want some really warm weather to happen? Then wait on Groundhog Phil. It won't be long till February 2nd, 2010 hits and then we'll all know if winter is going to end early or there's more storms going to happen. If you want to see the groundhog show LIVE:
For me, how do I know if winter's going to end early? I look at my flower bed. The last few years, I've seen buds of flowers popping up out of the ground and I get a sense that the seasons are going to change EARLY.
So bear the days of the cold times. When Phil pops out of his ground, we'll all know what he says. Hopefully an early spring will a good indications that better times are going to happen for this decade.
Maybe tonight you can kick back by the fire and enjoy GROUNDHOG day: the movie.
In the meanwhile, I urge many people to pray for the nation of Haiti and that many people will be found alive as possible. Pray for the safety of many rescue workers as well.
Semper FI.

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