Monday, December 21, 2009

Winter 2009/ Viable says "NOT GUILTY"

G'day Everyone.

Snow or no snow, winter has finally arrived today. As the seasons change and Christmas is close by, it is really a holiday time now. It is now the last 3 days to Christmas eve and many people will be rushing to do last minute shopping. Hope everyone will be careful because in many places, it's still snow and cold.
Most of you are still digging out from the recent snow storm so be careful how you do it. Some snows that are so heavy is called "heart attack snow" and that you do not need.

Meanwhile, the expected VRS court battle for Viable is just beginning with the opening shot of "Not Guilty". Just as it was expected. Link:
I would advise many bloggers and vloggers to refrain from posting many stories on the whole VRS mess because the important people, like John Yeh, need to prepare for a good fight against the Government. Justice will be heard. Let's hope the truth comes out rightfully.

Semper FI.

1 comment:

John Proffer said...

and what truth is that exactly? I have known john yeh for many years, he's scum and would sell you up the river if it'd make him more popular or more money.

I hope he burns. I really do. He's cheated way too many people, and hurt alot more getting to where he was before being busted by the government. He's no better than the CEO of any other company. It's all about image and money. You, me, and everyone else are insignificant and only important to him if you play a role in getting him there.

Whether you mod this comment or not, you know it's true.