Friday, December 25, 2009

Where does Santa Go after hearing kids?

G'day Everyone.

This one touched my heart and gave the right idea that Santa Claus is not higher than Jesus Christ.
This individual had the right idea at this time of the year. Though Christmas day is far spent right now, but it would give Santa some moment to pause somewhere on earth, thanking God for the safe night, safe flight, and praying for many of the kids who were naughty and kids would couldn't get what they wanted. Santa would be mortal, just like everyone else is. He doesn't live forever. There's always someone would be willing to step in and be that person just once a year.

So at the end of this Christmas day, I hope and pray many of you have gotten what you wanted. Some didn't get what you want. Others still hope and dream of the future. But, do Thank God on this Christmas night for Jesus Christ, the savior that came to walk among us more than 2000 years ago.

I want to extend many thanks to many people who became Santa or deaf Santa to many people out there in their area. Consider it an honor to do this seasonal job.

Enjoy the New Year.
Semper FI.

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