Saturday, December 12, 2009

Another Governor's mess and woods in trouble woods.

G'day Everyone.

What a mess. Another Governor's life a mess. Not too long ago, The Governor of NY: Eliot Spritzer, was in a mess over some hooker. He stepped down from his job before it got worse on himself.

Now, a Governor in South Carolina is in ANOTHER MESS. Link:

When his mystery trip broke several months ago and revealed about his affair, I did say that the poor guy was living on borrowed time politically. Well, the poor guy got lucky enough that some of his loyal ranks managed to diffuse the impeachment process but most likely will be censured for sure. But unfortunately, he should have known his wife would eventually hit him with the personal bomb of all. Divorce.

And if you want to know more about the soon-to-be-ex-wife of Sanford, link:
I have to admire this wonderful lady after all. Why did Sanford toss her for someone else? Makes you wonder.

So how much of a political future does Governor Sanford have to lead his State of South Carolina? Nothing more than a thimble in his political pocket. Gov. Sanford will be on the defense for most of the year 2010. But if he was wise and doing the right thing for his state, just like Eliot Spitzer did, he would step down and take care of his own personal life for a while. But a man like Sanford that plans to stay till the bitter end will be his own 2010 reckoning.

I'd wish Sanford some thimble luck, but the way I figure, just about any Santa Claus will dump some coal on his home this year. May be a few THOUSAND tons? That'll keep Sanford warm for a long, long while.

Meanwhile, Tiger Woods is in Trouble Woods. Link:
Perhaps Tiger Woods is more wise and responsible to know when to step away from the game he loves and get some help for himself for a while. I most certainly hope that Tiger Woods will come back to his game when he's ready. But for now, the Golf world will most likely calm down and play the game it always has. I wish you much luck, Tiger Woods.

So, with coal being handed politically out in some places, Christmas isn't far away. It is now 12 days to Christmas eve.

Semper FI.

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