Monday, March 23, 2009

Made in America? Check the labels!

G'day Everyone!

I know I don't often post more than I should. But something caught my attention from my good friend, Jim B. Read this article:
To say it short: the USA wants to buy condoms MADE IN CHINA and shut down a USA CONDOM MAKING FACTORY!
I said to Jim: "WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!". Since then there has been issues since the start of this year that our very own Department of Commence said to our nation: DON'T BUY MADE IN AMERICA PRODUCTS! (I should have blogged that news article when it was live).
You know, we have problems here, economically! Since the days of congress that ratified and approved by President Bush of a trade agreement called NAFTA. That's North American Free Trade AGREEMENT. Do you know what that allows? It allows companies like Hershey Co. to move their York Peppermint Patties Factory to South America and close down the factory in PA! The idea is making the same product but with CHEAP LABOR!
For years, our nation has enjoyed making products and selling in other countries. But suddenly, I wonder if were closing factories just because their owners want to move for cheap labor and high profits which put our citizens standing idle and out of work and trying to find a job. Lately, the job market is so flooding with qualified people that you have wonder of what's happening out there to all the jobs?
At the same time, our nation's stores of clothes, food, and many other places are being filled with products that wouldn't pass the FDA approval on the spot!
Chinese made condoms? *shudder* I hate to think of how the possible AIDS rate would go up and how many MORE kids might be born to people if people were to use these condoms made in China.
So, when you go shopping out there for your food or for clothing or personal products, look at the label and then wonder how these products are SAFE to use, wear, eat in our lives. If our nation's factories and employers do go outside our nation, and those illegal alien people travel right back on home, then our nation is slowly going broke from the lack of work that we are unable to find to do. It makes it harder for many people. Even the local mom and pop stores as well.
I would say BUY MADE IN AMERICA STUFF and SAVE THE AMERICAN MADE JOBS! Or else if we get hurt on something NOT made in America, Good luck suing the companies outside the USA, because they'll be laughing all the way to the bank of their own.
Semper FI


Jim said...

It was not President Bush that signed NAFTA, it was President Bill Clinton that formally sighed NAFTA on September 14, 1993. So do your homework and tell me if I am wrong. Surprisely, even President Bush and President Obama still support NAFTA. There is definitely something wrong with that picture.

Unknown said...

ahh yeah.. Clinton. Sad to say that's right. Makes me want to mangle him more than ever now. Clinton might have balanced the budget, but selling us out? That's a cause for impeachment more than just the Monica scandal. A pity he didn't get convicted because of the dems. Obama better watch his step. He's already high in the polls but that could drop one day.