Saturday, December 13, 2008

Personal Thinking Saturday.

G'day Everyone.

Here it is. The final 12 days to Christmas. So much for the song that goes with it. No, no, I won't sing the "12 days of Christmas". My voice is too awful for it.

But, lately, I'm also thinking of the last 19 days of the year as well. 2008 is about to close out. Lame duck President Bush is going to try to bail out the auto makers despite the entire country that is telling him NO! Don't do it! The recession is hitting everyone and businesses are either slow or failing. Every business knows to be very careful with their budgets. If the Big 3 Auto makes and UAW were not careful in what they were doing, then they have to accept outcome of their choices. A bail out isn't going to help them at all. The GOP, that are still in power at this point till January 2009, did the right thing to defy President Bush. But should Bush defy the entire country and bail out the auto makers, then it will make his legacy more twisted than Nixon has ever had.

Anyhow, with 12 days to go for Christmas, I have already made my Christmas wish list done. What is my wish list? I can't tell you because I'm going to be doing a little holiday tradition from the valley. There's a certain spot I usually go to where I leave a unsigned wish list every year. I use biodegradable paper so that I know it will decompose fast in the elements. This is about a time of the year that I will head to the valley soon for special events.

Working on the final end of the year post. Doing it in rough draft form and hopefully I will post it during the new year eve week because I do expect to be spending new years with my best friend (straight) Paul somewhere.

Today, after I put the lights up on the house, going to take the annual holiday train ride. Should be a lot of fun. But next week, ahh Christmas shopping. Yuck. Gotta get that done.

till next post,
semper FI

1 comment:

Jim said...

If President Bush bails out the Big 3 Auto, he will be known as the lame Duck for his Presidency. The problem with the Big 3 Auto companies are two things:

1. CEO - They take tons of bonuses and will likely use some of the Bail Out money to reward themselves for saving the company. Remember AIG? They celebrated after getting bailed out. I bet they use some of the bail out money to pay for their celebrationg and the trip.

2. Union - Low and Behold. They may look like poor workers but one problem. They make $ 70 dollars an hours and have plenty of other benefits that the average American people don't have. They should reduce their hour salary and loses some of their benefit if they want to help the company survived until the Economy gets better.

With those two things, I am proud of the Republicans in the Senate for failed to pass the 14 million dollars bail out for the Big 3 Auto company. I say let them bankrupt and clean up their acts. One last thing, have you notice when you buy their car, how often do you take the car to the shop for repairs? If it is a lot, then why should the union at the big 3 auto companies make $ 70 an hour when they can't make quality cars that don'e break down? I have one proof of how bad their car was. I had a Ford Taurus and the transmission had problem twice, lucky the company put a warrenty to replace the transmission twice. But that is no excuse.