Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

Dear Friends and Readers of the Deaf Sherlock:

I bid you a grand G'day to you. I hope each and every one of you will enjoy this Thanksgiving 2008. However, it is a SOMBER day of Thanksgiving 2008. I have spent the morning at a church praying for many of the victims of the mumbai, India massacre.

Terrorists have only one goal in their minds: To create FEAR, CHAOS, and TRY TO RULE A NATION WITH AN IRON FIST. But these terrorists are willing to lose their lives in order to promote someone within their organization to rule in their precise outcome that they have planned.

But God will frustrate them. They do think they are doing God's work, but NOT! When every terrorist dies, they will learn a lot about what HELL is, The final JUDGEMENT SEAT OF CHRIST, and their ultimate end in the LAKE OF FIRE!! That is the very end of every terrorist person on earth. Even for an insane Muslim terrorist.

At this point of time, a lot of places are on high alert now. Even here in our nation. For you, my dear friends and readers, I ask that you exercise caution for a while in your surroundings.

Today is Thanksgiving. Please give God praise and thanks for your family and friends, and enemies that you have. Wait, Sherlock, you said "enemies"! So I did. I mean that in a way that I show respect to them in this holiday season.

Be thinking in prayer for many of the victims in Mumbai, India. There will come a day when a terrorist might not have ever a chance to have a day in court and go directly to the death penalty. It may just happen one day. When that does, it will be justice is SWIFT and Fast.

So, today I ask God to give you and your family a blessing of Thanksgiving. From my table to yours, I wish you a happy and healthy Thanksgiving 2008!

Your friend always,
Sherlock Steve.

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