Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Texting and the PERFECT crashing of the car.

G'day Everyone!

Here's something that should serve as a DIRE WARNING to everyone who's still texting while driving your car :

Again, this comes right out of Minneapolis-St.Paul, MN area. Same area where Doug Behal is from and in the process of suing the law enforcement there. (Wish you the best in your quest, Doug! Though $50k is not enough. Should have gone $500K to be serious!).

You know, I've blogged about texting while driving before. I have warned my readers, warned both my hearing and deaf friends about it. But nobody seems to be taking things seriously.

You know, law enforcement has cameras and cops watching just about everywhere. If you think you are safe at a traffic light and you think that camera is just aimed at your license place, think again. It's also aimed at your face. If you are texting while sitting for the light and the cop sees you through that camera's lens, then you just got caught!

Police are getting aggressive on drivers. Even if some of you say "well, they won't be after me because I'm on my cell phone". *siren* PULL OVER! You just got caught for using your cell phone too! As I've told my hearing friends, invest in hands free cell phones.

Some cell phones can understand voice commands and dials for you. On-star is one such of a product in the new cars that have that ability to give you cell phone ability to call people, but not texting.

As I will warn again, please don't text or use that cell phone while driving! Police are watching. But when you are caught, you are basically caught as a "Suspected Drunk Driver" . That's DUI.
The future charge could be worse. DUITM (Driving Under Influence of Text Messaging). Do you want to pay that in form of losing your driver's license? Going to Jail (in some cases PRISON)?

I need not to remind you that cops are aggressive out there. If what happened to Doug Behal can happen anywhere else. Every cop has had their bad days. You don't need to see that too.

So please I beg, urge, suggest, request, and PLEAD to many people out there: PUT DOWN YOUR SIDEKICK and CELL PHONES. FOCUS ON DRIVING! Don't worry about the text messages. They'll be there. Don't worry about the calls, you can always call them back.

Remember, you have only ONE car. ONE License. ONE life.
All it takes is ONE STUPID MOMENT for ONE STUPID MISTAKE that causes ONE SERIOUS AND OFTEN FATAL ACCIDENT. What happens? Your life can be changed in that INSTANT moment. Alive or disabled, that's what you will be. You will have affected everyone around you. Do you want to take that chance? I don't think so. Driving requires your total attention.

So please, turn off the cell phone or side kick and drive. Keep your hands on the wheel. Focus. Arrive alive. Avoid the ticket.

Thank you and Semper FI.

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