Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Kissing the pavement of I-66


I knew this day was going to come. I knew it down in myself some weeks ago. The day became the moment I had heard from my temporary agency representative say that she wasn't sure if I was going to be hired permanently by the company that I was working for, as it was stated in the contract we had. So..

I told her this: "I worked my butt off for 6 months on a "promise" that was written in the contract. Now that it has not happened and two more months have flown by, I have made a difficult decision. I am resigning.".

It was a picture perfect, hallmark moment to see her shocked of what I said. I knew the agency was losing a major contract with me and a company I was working for. But the bigger picture is, if you don't make a NEW contract with a said time table of when, where and goals, then I'm outta here. Even though I asked for a new or revised contract, she said "the old one is just as good".

Yeah, right, and I'm Henry Nixon. (being sarcastic).

So, she said she would later call my boss and deliver the awful news of my resignation. It was a day later after my normal boss had gone on an IT training session that she tried to call him. My sub-boss had picked up the call. Guess what? He asked to speak to me alone.

Once he closed the door, he asked me point blank " Are you REALLY resigning?".

I looked at him and had been very prepared for this other 'hallmark moment' confrontation.

I had him RIGHT where I wanted this person, who made my days in HELL here while I worked with him.

It was then I told him: "Yes. I'm leaving. Without a sure sign that that this company is going to fulfill my old contract (IE: hire me full-time permanent as per contract terms), then I rather not stay and waste my time when I could be working for a real company that wants to hire me permanently. ".

Right there and then as well, my sub-boss looked like he had just lost someone he loved to push around and cruelly do some bad jokes right in front of me and others. So were there any firm hand-shakes? nope. Just a "Fine.. we'll plan on the next few days and get things taken care of.".

Know what surprises me more? My normal boss hasn't even called me in for a meeting to discuss why I'm leaving. He thinks he knows my reasons why. But I doubt he understands it.
So, he lost an opportunity to meet with me.

Same time, there's a hiring freeze going on. Now that saddens me.

There only one thing that I hate and have tried to get out of it. A farewell party. I feel I do not deserve a party for me. Sure, it' s to honor all the hard work I done for this company. But no. There are some situations, that have been going on for a long while and that I can't comment on, that prevent me from enjoying a farewell party.

But, as it comes to the final day, when the last hour of my work ticks away, I will have everything squared away and accounted for. For the best, I hope.

When the last minute expires, I will dump my badge at the guard's desk and tell him "give my regards to whomever gets it. This place ought to get coal from Santa".

The last night of where I'm staying, I'll be packing up my things and square away in my car. But the very next morning, I'll be driving down I-66 to a certain spot where I will symbolically kiss the pavement "good-bye". (ya didn't think I'd kiss this freeway for real, did ya?).

Once I look around that pavement, I will prolly feel for ever poor commuter doomed to drive his precious car among the anger filled mass of motorists during the work week days. It gets worse every day. Rules of the roads seem to have flown out the window in this DC area. Police can only do so much. But the problems will only increase. It will NOT get better. Just hope your last will and testament is made out before hitting these DC roads. You have been warned.

By the time I finish looking around, one heavy *sigh* will have me point my car north and to home. The snow filled mountains await to soothe my feelings. The warmth of the fire will be a balm. The Christmas tree will shine brighter than I see it now.

God help those left behind in the DC. They're gonna need it. I see Santa bringing an awful lot of coal. *phew* (Hopefully, all for just Bush and Cheney! But then again.. some people need to have coal dumped on them for sure!).

So.. I say a small "Semper FI" to DC. Yer going to need it.

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