Saturday, April 24, 2010


G'day Everyone.

There is TRUTH out there. Even on Twitter and on FaceBook. If you tell people you are away at times, strangers, whom you think you know that you have friended, are thieves waiting to strike at your home.

Here is a news report about one man's FATAL mistake that ended up having his home broken into:
Never say this on Facebook or Twitter

In other words, be careful of WHAT you post on the social media site. Set your privacy guards and limit it to only FRIENDS that you have. Don't go Friends and Networks. Friends should be your only limited area.

Second, recently I've noticed that some of my friends are accepting "Friends" who I think they don't know but just want to meet NEW FRIENDS. In the last several weeks, some virtual strangers have asked me to be their friend by requests. One of my first questions to them via the social media email is "Have you meet me in REAL LIFE?" Meaning, did you meet me at a party, social event, which? If they truthfully answer that question and I remember it, I'll friend them on to my friend list. If I don't, I'll report them and block them.

Please remember to be careful of what you say on-line. Be careful of WHAT pictures you post on-line too.
Social media sites are not like the deaf world's VP (Video phone) or IM or email. It's the whole world full of strangers out there, good and bad. Security should be your first and foremost need.

Wish you best.

Semper FI.


Seek Geo said...

Actually, it is common where their homes were broken in, etc because they had the address in the info section on FB.

That is a big no-no. Never leave address on any public sites where anyone can see it. When you do, they got the address then wait til you goes elsewhere and boom, all your stuff gone.

If you don't have address anywhere then you are OK.

Jim said...

The only person that can say "I am
away" is the President of United
States because the White House is
guarded 24/7. Nobody can break into
the White House.